How to Write a Follow-Up Email

Following-up is an important aspect of any outreach strategy. When you write your first cold email, you want to interest the recipient and get them to engage with you.

On the other hand, when writing a follow-up email, your goal is to re-engage the recipient, increase open rates or nurture a relationship.

Effective follow-up emails that are well-timed are essential to growing your business and engaging the recipient; in fact, research shows that follow-up emails can increase response rates by up to 22%.

In this article, you will learn how to:

  • Craft follow-up emails across industries
  • Find templates that work for you
  • Learn the psychology behind follow-up emails and when to send them

Why Are Follow-Up Emails Important? 

Following up emails are important for several key reasons. They can:

  • Boost response rates
  • Demonstrate persistence and professionalism
  • Nurture an already existing relationship

Given that most people don’t respond to a first email due to busy schedules and workloads, a strategic follow-up email can be the difference between successfully engaging your leads and getting lost in the recipient’s inbox. Reading through a Reddit thread it seems people got around 22% better response rate just by using a 3-step process.

Consider your industry, tone and timing to maximize response rates and elicit engagement. While your emails will vary across industries in terms of what you offer, you should still follow certain principles for all of them. 

To help you write the best follow-up email, we’ve created the below list of follow-up email templates. Explore them and adjust them according to your needs.

The 15 Best Follow-Up Email Templates

Use the below templates to get an idea of how to approach prospects depending on the situation and industry in which you operate.

Follow-up email after receiving no response (three days after the initial email)

Template Name: Follow-up Email
Three days after the initial email

Hi (Prospect’s name),

I wanted to follow up on my previous email regarding (specific topic).

Have you given it some thought?

If you have any questions or need me to provide additional information, I’d be happy to get on a call and discuss potential options further.


(Your Name)

Second follow-up email after receiving no response (four-five days after the first follow-up email)

Template Name: Proposal Follow-up
Four-five days after the first follow-up email

Hi (Prospect’s name),

I hope you’re doing well.

I wanted to circle back to our proposal to see if you considered it or require more information.

Let me know and we can set up a call to discuss further.


(Your Name)

Third follow-up email (send seven days after the second follow-up)

Template Name: Final Follow-up
Seven days after the second follow-up

Hi (Prospect’s Name),

I wanted to reach out one last time regarding (specific topic or proposal).

If you are busy and this is not the right time, feel free to let me know.

However, if you require additional information, I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

(Your Name)

Follow-up email after an interview

Template Name: Thank You Email
Thank You for the Opportunity – (Job Title) Interview

Dear (Hiring Manager),

I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to interview at (company) for the (position) role.

I truly enjoyed learning more about the team and the exciting projects you're working on.

Our discussion made me certain that I wish to join and contribute to your team.

Please let me know if you need any further information or have additional questions.

I look forward to hearing about the next steps in the process!

Thank you once again for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

(Your Name)

Sales (SaaS) – follow-up after a product demo

Template Name: Product Demo Follow-up
How Did the Demo of (Product) Go?

Hi (Name),

I hope this email finds you well.

What did you think about the (product) demo?

I’d love to hear your thoughts or answer any questions you may have related to the (product).

If you’re interested, I can also extend the trial period or offer you a special discount on the full version to help you get started.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,

(Your Name)

Real estate – follow-up after property viewing

Template Name: Property Viewing Follow-up
Your Thoughts on (Property Address)?

Hi (Name),

I hope you enjoyed the viewing of (Property Address).

I wanted to follow up to see if you had any questions or thoughts about the property.

It’s still available, and if you’re interested in moving forward, I am available to answer any questions you may have.

Feel free to reach out if you’d like to schedule another visit.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


(Your Name)

Marketing agency – follow-up after presenting a proposal

Template Name: Marketing Strategy Follow-up
Your Thoughts on the Marketing Strategy Proposal

Hi (Name),

I wanted to follow up on the marketing strategy we discussed last week.

I hope that our marketing proposal aligns well with your business goals.

If you have any feedback or recommendations on how to improve the strategy further for it to better fit your vision, feel free to reach out.

Let me know if you’d like to schedule another call or a meeting to discuss the next steps.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Best regards,

(Your Name)

Discovery call follow-up template

Template Name: Discovery Call Follow-up
Great Speaking with You

Hi (Name),

It was a pleasure speaking to you during our discovery call earlier.

After learning more about your business challenges and needs, I am confident that our (product/service) can help you overcome them and achieve your business goals.

As a next step, I’ll suggest scheduling a demo call where you can learn more about how our (product/service) works.

In the meantime, please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or thoughts.

Looking forward to continuing the conversation!

Best regards,

(Your Name)

Proposal follow-up email template

Template Name: Proposal Follow-up
Have You Had a Chance to Review the Proposal?

Hi (Name),

I wanted to follow up on the proposal I sent over regarding (specific project or service) and see if you’ve had a chance to review it.

I’d be happy to address any questions or make adjustments based on your feedback.

If you’d like, we can set up a quick call to go over the details and discuss how we can move forward.

Looking forward to your thoughts!

Best regards,

(Your Name)

Networking follow-up email template

Template Name: Event Follow-up
Great Connecting With You!

Hi (Name),

It was great meeting you at (Event Name)!

I’d love for us to stay connected and find ways to collaborate in the future.

If you’re available, let’s set up a time to continue our discussion.

Looking forward to staying in touch!

Best regards,

(Your Name)

Invoice follow-up email template

Template Name: Invoice Reminder
Friendly Reminder: Invoice Due Soon

Hi (Name),

Hope this email finds you well.

I wanted to send you a quick reminder that invoice (invoice number) is due soon.

Please let me know if there are any issues or if you need more time to process the payment.

Thank you in advance!


(Your Name)

Inquiry follow-up email template

Template Name: Inquiry Follow-up
Following Up on Your Inquiry About (Product/Service)

Hi (Name),

I wanted to follow up on the inquiry you made about (product or service).

I’d love to clarify anything or provide you with additional information should you have any questions.

We can schedule a quick call or a demo so that you can get a better idea of our (product or service).

Looking forward to hearing from you!


(Your Name)

Follow-up after a referral

Template Name: Referral Introduction
Introduction from (Referrer’s Name)

Hi (Name),

I hope this email finds you well.

(Referrer’s name) mentioned I should reach out to discuss a (specific topic or opportunity).

I look forward to the possibility of exploring how we can work together. Would you be available for a short call next week?

Looking forward to hearing from you!


(Your Name)

Follow-up after sending a free trial or sample

Template Name: Trial Check-in
How Do You Like the Trial?

Hi (Name),

I hope you’re enjoying the free (trial). I wanted to check in and see how you’re liking it.

If you need assistance with anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.


(Your Name)

Follow-up on a customer feedback request

Template Name: Feedback Thank You
Thank You for Your Feedback!

Hi (Name),

Thank you for providing feedback on the (product/service). We value your opinion and your feedback is important to us.

If there are any additional concerns you may have, I’m here to listen and address them.

Let me know if there’s anything else!

Best regards,

(Your Name)

5 Steps to Writing a Follow-Up Email

Although you will need to adjust your email according to your niche and industry, all great follow-up emails can benefit from having the following:

  1. Craft a concise and clear subject line

Your subject line should be straightforward and short, easily grabbing the attention of the recipient and encouraging them to open and reply. 

You should consider these tips:

  • Keep it brief and to the point (6-8 words) 
  • Use action-oriented language (e.g., “Have you had a chance to review?”) 
  • Avoid being too salesy or pushy
  1. State your purpose

Remind the recipient why you’re reaching out and what’s the purpose of the email.

  • Reference your point of topic or contact (e.g., “Following up on our last call”) 
  • Remain professional but friendly
  • Be specific about why you’re following up on (e.g., a proposal, inquiry, or meeting)
  1. Personalize email and provide context

Tailor the message to the recipient and mention how you have a product/service that can help the recipient overcome a particular problem they are facing.

  • Reference something unique about your previous interaction
  • Mention how your product fits their needs
  • Personalize it by using their name and the name of their organization
  1. Add value to the recipient

Make sure your email offers something to the recipient. Depending on what you offer, it can be a free demo, consultation or a trial.

  • Offer a free resource or consultation 
  • Share relevant insights or updates 
  • Offer additional support
  1. Include a call to action (CTA) 

Encourage interaction by providing a call to action and inviting the recipient to take the next step.

  • Suggest a call/meeting at the recipient’s convenience
  • Ask for feedback or questions
  • Propose a timeframe (i.e. “Are you available this week?)

Tips on Sending Follow-Up Emails

Now that you understand the basic elements of follow-up emails, it is important to understand when and how to utilize them.

Follow the below tips to maximize the effectiveness of your follow-up emails.

When to send a follow-up email?

The timing of your follow-up email is almost as important as its quality. 

Research suggests that the best time of day to send an email is between 10 AM and 11 AM on a Tuesday, as 27% of marketers surveyed in a study reported that sending an email at this time resulted in the highest reply rates.

Follow-up email psychology

To better understand the psychology of follow-up emails, we can refer to the Zeigarnik Effect. Psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik concluded that people remember uncompleted and interrupted tasks much better than the completed ones.

To that end, a follow-up email reminds the recipient that they have an incomplete action – and consequently encourages them to reply to your initial message.

A/B testing follow-up emails

Performing A/B testing is a sure way to determine the best iteration of a written piece such as an email, ad or a landing page.

Before you start sending out follow-up emails, you can run tests to find the ones that recipients best respond to.

To perform A/B testing, you can:

  • Select an element of an email you wish to test (e.g. a subject line)
  • Craft two different emails (one with a short and the other with a longer subject line)
  • Segment your audience and send different emails to different groups
  • Track metrics like open rates and response rates
  • Use the better-performing version in your future follow-up efforts

Consistently testing and optimizing your follow-up emails will eventually lead to you having a follow-up template that drives better engagement.

Follow-up email sequence

Sending just one follow-up email is not enough. You want to create an email sequence to continually engage your prospects.

Multiple emails ensure you continuously engage your recipients without being too pushy.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Day 1: Send your initial email. 
  • Day 4: First follow-up—remind the recipient of your initial message and offer additional value (e.g., a resource or a demo). 
  • Day 7: Second follow-up—reinforce the benefits of your offer and encourage a reply with a clear call to action. 
  • Day 14: Final follow-up—offer to close the conversation politely or ask if the timing is right for further engagement.


Whether you’re trying to reconnect with a lead, nurture a relationship or follow-up after an interview, sending the right kind of a follow-up email will significantly boost your engagement.

By crafting concise subject lines, personalizing emails, providing value to the recipient and keeping it succinct, you can engage and leave an impression on your prospects.

Considering that it takes multiple follow-ups, the most important thing remains to be consistent without becoming pushy.

But if you test and optimize your emails and follow best practices, you will be sure to get noticed and elicit prompt and meaningful engagement.

Laura Clayton

Laura is an email marketing expert specializing in email warmup strategies to enhance deliverability. She shares concise, actionable insights to help businesses improve their email outreach and connect effectively with their audience.