11 B2B Cold Email Templates to Get a Reply

Crafting effective B2B cold email templates is crucial forcutting through the cluttered inbox and making a lasting impression when email prospecting.

Why, you ask?

Because in the wild, wild world of B2B cold emailing, a well-crafted email template is like a superhero cape for your outreach efforts.

It’s your ticket to catching the attention of busy professionals, igniting their curiosity, and ultimately securing that coveted response.

What Is B2B Cold Email Template?

B2B cold email templates are a way to reach out to businesses that you’ve never interacted with before. These templates are used to build brand awareness and bring potential customers to the top of your sales funnel.

There are various ways to craft a cold email, but more often than not, these emails will include an offer or talk about an ongoing promotion.

But the key to effective cold emailing is to send messages to a relevant audience rather than just sending out email blasts to everyone under the sun.

B2B cold email templates may include a general promotion of business, a partnership opportunity, the chance to promote content, a general introduction, or a request for a meeting or call.

What you include in your email templates should be specific to your brand and the brand you’re targeting.

But more on that in a bit.

Benefits of Using Proven Cold Email Templates

Now, you might be wondering: Can’t I just write my emails from scratch every time?

While that may sound noble and valiant, it’s not the most efficient approach.

Why reinvent the wheel when you can leverage the wisdom of seasoned email wizards?

Using proven B2B cold email templates and examples brings forth a treasure trove of benefits.

a) Saves time

First and foremost, it saves you precious time.

With a template in hand, you don’t have to start from scratch every time you sit down to craft an email.

You’ll be able to swiftly adapt and personalize the template to suit your specific sales prospecting and industry.

b) Proven to be effective

Secondly, using proven templates increases your chances of success.

These templates have been battle-tested and refined over time.

They’ve gone through countless trials and tribulations, learning from their mistakes and emerging as shining beacons of email excellence.

By following in their footsteps, you’re stacking the odds in your favor.

c) Enhanced professionalism

Proven templates and examples are often crafted by experts or based on successful campaigns.

By using them, you benefit from the expertise and industry knowledge that has been woven into the templates, which adds a level of professionalism to your emails and increases the likelihood of being taken seriously by recipients.

Understanding B2B Cold Emailing

Before we plunge headfirst into the depths of this daring endeavor, let’s take a moment to define our terms.

B2B cold emails are the unsung heroes of the business world, the digital missives sent to potential clients or prospects with whom you have no prior relationship.

These emails are like modern-day carrier pigeons, delivering your message right into the inboxes of decision-makers and influencers.

The purpose of B2B cold emails is to initiate a conversation, nurture relationships, and ultimately, secure a mutually beneficial business opportunity.

They serve as your virtual foot-in-the-door, enabling you to showcase your value proposition and establish a connection with potential customers.

Key elements of successful B2B cold emails

Now that we’ve strapped on our adventure boots, it’s time to unravel the secret ingredients that make B2B cold emails successful.

Brace yourself for a whirlwind tour through the essential elements that will elevate your emails from mediocre to magnificent.

1. Personalization and customization

Gone are the days of generic, one-size-fits-all emails. In the realm of B2B cold emailing, personalization is the name of the game.

Tailor your emails to each recipient, addressing their specific pain points, industry challenges, or recent accomplishments.

Show them that you’ve done your homework and genuinely care about their needs.

Personalization adds a touch of magic to your emails, forging a connection and increasing the likelihood of a positive response.

2. Value proposition and benefits

Why should your prospect care about your email? What’s in it for them?

Craft a compelling value proposition that clearly communicates the benefits they’ll receive by engaging with your offering.

Whether it’s saving time, increasing revenue, or solving a specific problem, highlight the unique value you bring to the table.

Paint a vivid picture of the positive transformation they can experience by partnering with you.

3. Clear call-to-action

Every epic journey needs a well-defined destination. The same goes for your B2B cold emails.

A clear call-to-action (CTA) is the guiding beacon that directs your recipients toward the next step.

Whether it’s scheduling a call, downloading a resource, or requesting a meeting, make your CTA explicit, enticing, and easy to follow.

Don’t leave your prospects wandering through your message wondering what the point is – give them a clear direction.

4. Concise and engaging content

Short and sweet is the name of the game in cold emailing.

Craft your content with precision, keeping it concise and to the point. Long-winded emails are likely to end up half-read and forgotten.

According to Boomerang, the optimal email length should be somewhere between 75 – 125 words in order to maximize your response rate:

boomerang - email length - study
Source: Boomerang

Engage your recipients with an attention-grabbing opening line, captivating storytelling, or intriguing statistics.

Break up your text into easily digestible chunks, making it a breeze for busy professionals to absorb your message.

Common mistakes to avoid in B2B cold emailing

Every hero has their Achilles’ heel, and B2B cold emailing is no exception.

To be confident that your email endeavors don’t stumble at the first hurdle, it’s essential to steer clear of common pitfalls.

Avoid these treacherous mistakes:

  • Generic and impersonal emails that scream “mass email blast.
  • Overwhelming your recipients with excessive information or jargon.
  • Neglecting to research your prospects and their specific needs.
  • Failing to follow up or giving up after a single attempt.
  • Forgetting to proofread and leaving embarrassing typos or errors.

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of what to avoid, you’re well-prepared to start using these insanely helpful templates to start crafting your own cold emails.

Best practices in B2B cold emailing

We’ve arrived at the heart of our journey – the best practices for B2B cold email templates.

Prepare to unlock the secrets that will catapult your emails to new heights of success.

Grab your pen and paper as we dive into the world of email mastery.

1. Researching your target audience and their pain points

Before embarking on any daring quest, it’s crucial to gather intelligence about your target audience.

Research their industry, challenges, and pain points with the enthusiasm of an archeologist unearthing ancient treasures.

The more you understand your prospects, the better equipped you’ll be to craft tailored emails that resonate with their needs and aspirations.

2. Crafting compelling subject lines for higher open rates

When an average person receives more than 300 emails per day, how do you think your email will stand out in their inbox?

With a captivating subject line, of course!

Craft subject lines that sparkle like a hidden gem, arousing curiosity and tempting recipients to click open.

A dash of intrigue, a sprinkle of personalization, and a pinch of urgency can work wonders in boosting your open rates.

​Having trouble making a first impression in just a few words? We’ve got your back!
Check out our post on email subject line testers to find the best tools to help you create the perfect subject lines.

3. Opening lines that grab attention and establish relevance

You’ve made it past the subject line gatekeeper, but the battle is far from over.

The opening lines of your email must grip your reader’s attention like a skilled acrobat on a tightrope.

Spark their curiosity, establish relevance, or strike an emotional chord.

Show them that you understand their world and have something valuable to offer.

Forge a connection from the very first sentence.

4. Body content structure and formatting tips

Now that you have your reader’s undivided attention, it’s time to deliver the goods.

Structure your body content like a well-organized feast, with delectable tidbits of information, enticingly arranged like gourmet cheeses on a charcuterie board.

Break up your text into paragraphs, bullet points, or subheadings to enhance readability, and use bold or italicized text strategically to highlight key points or add emphasis.

Keep your prose engaging and conversational, so your readers delve into your email like it’s their favorite book.

5. Effective closing statements to encourage responses

The finale is near, but we mustn’t lose steam.

Your closing statement should be a powerful crescendo, enticing your recipients to take action.

Whether it’s a gentle nudge to reply, a clear call-to-action, or an invitation to continue the conversation, leave no doubt about the next step.

Sign off with confidence, leaving your readers inspired and eager to respond.

6. Adding social proof and testimonials for credibility

In a world that is increasingly filled with skepticism and doubt, trust becomes your most valuable currency.

Boost your credibility by incorporating social proof and testimonials into your emails.

Share success stories, customer testimonials, or industry accolades that highlight your expertise and the value you’ve delivered to others.

A sprinkle of social proof can be the secret ingredient that tips the scales in your favor.

Armed with these best practices, you’re now ready to embark on your quest for B2B cold email glory.

Remember – each element plays a vital role in crafting emails that captivate, persuade, and generate meaningful responses.

Keep these best practices in mind, add a little finesse, and you’re well on your way to making your B2B cold emails a whole lot warmer.

11 Best B2B Cold Email Templates & Examples

While we’ve tried to make this template guide as specific as possible, for the sake of your eyes and your time we’ve left out the more obvious steps, such as ‘create a subject line’, ‘address them by the name’, or ‘write your signature’.

Happy writing!

1. The Personalized Introduction

Here we have the personalized introduction, your secret weapon for forging connections and grabbing attention.

This template is designed to show that you have taken the time to do research and have created a personalized offer.

It’s all about creating a genuine and personalized opening that sparks curiosity and establishes a rapport from the get-go.

Step 1: Start with a warm greeting

Hi [Prospect’s Name],” or “Hey [Prospect’s Name],

Step 2: Show appreciation for their work or achievements

​”I came across your recent [article/blog post/interview], and I was impressed by your insights into [topic].

Step 3: Make a connection or reference a mutual interest.

As a fellow [industry/professional], I couldn’t help but resonate with your perspective on [topic].

Step 4: Highlight the purpose of your email

I wanted to reach out because I believe we share a common interest in [specific area/industry].

Step 5: Transition to a personalized value proposition

I’ve been working on a [product/service] that could potentially help [company] achieve [specific goal/outcome].

Step 6: End with an invitation to continue the conversation

I would love to learn more about your challenges and explore how we can collaborate. Would you be available for a quick call next week?

Customization is the secret sauce that adds flavor to this template. To tailor it to different industries or niches, consider the following tips:

  • Research industry-specific pain points.
  • Align your value proposition with their goals.
  • Speak their language! Use industry-specific jargon or references that resonate with your recipients.

Stop copy/pasting generic emails and start using a more friendly and less-robotic approach, and you’ll likely get more results in no time.

This template is your invitation to connect on a deeper level, one that goes beyond the generic “Dear Sir/Madam.

2. The Pain Point Emphasis

Prepare to dive into the depths of your recipient’s pain points with the powerful pain point emphasis template.

This template aims to empathize with your target audience’s challenges and frustrations, capturing their attention by showing that you truly understand their struggles.

By sending an email that shines a spotlight on their pain points, you position yourself as someone who can provide relief and offer a solution.

Get ready to address their pain head-on and spark their interest. Here’s how you do it, step by step:

Step 1: Identify the pain point

​”Are you tired of struggling with [specific pain point]?

Step 2: Acknowledge their frustration

​”We know how [frustrating/challenging] it can be when [pain point] is holding you back.

Step 3: Illustrate the impact of the pain point

​”This pain point can lead to [negative outcome/consequence], affecting your [business results/team morale/etc.].

Step 4: Offer understanding and empathy

We understand the importance of overcoming this obstacle and are here to help.

Step 5: Introduce your solution

We have developed a [product/service] designed to address [specific pain point], providing you with a pathway to [desired outcome].

Step 6: Highlight key features or benefits

Our solution offers [feature/benefit 1], [feature/benefit 2], and [feature/benefit 3], enabling you to overcome this pain point and achieve [positive outcome/consequence].

Step 7: Call-to-action and next steps

​”I would love to discuss how our solution can specifically address your issues. Can we schedule a call or meeting to explore further?

To make the most of the pain point emphasis template, keep these tips in mind:

  • Conduct thorough research on pain points.
  • Use language that resonates with their emotions.
  • Highlight the transformative power of your solution.

By clearly understanding their pain and offering a tailored remedy, you’ll capture their attention and open the door for further discussions.

Addressing their pain points with sincerity and offering relevant solutions will position you as a trusted ally in their quest for success.

3. The Competitor Analysis

It’s time to stand out from your business enemies with the dynamic competitor email template.

This template focuses on addressing your recipient’s existing pain points by highlighting the unique advantages and differentiators of your product or service compared to competitors.

By showcasing your understanding of the competitive landscape, you position yourself as the superior choice and open the door to engaging discussions.

Get ready to demonstrate why your offering stands out in a crowded marketplace.

Step 1: Acknowledge the competitive landscape

We know that navigating the competitive landscape can be challenging, with numerous options available to address [specific pain point/need].

Step 2: Highlight your research and analysis

We have conducted an in-depth analysis of the competitors in this space and identified key differentiators that set our product/service apart.

Step 3: Identify the pain points addressed by competitors

We understand that solutions provided by competitors may partially address [specific pain point/need], but may fall short in certain areas.

Step 4: Present your unique advantages

​”Our product/service, on the other hand, offers [unique advantage/differentiator 1], [unique advantage/differentiator 2], and [unique advantage/differentiator 3], providing a comprehensive and superior solution.

Step 5: Showcase evidence or customer testimonials

​”Don’t just take our word for it; our satisfied customers have experienced [specific benefit/achievement] through our product/service. Here’s what they have to say…

Step 6: Call-to-action and next steps

I would love to further discuss how our offering can specifically address your pain points and provide a competitive edge. Can we schedule a call or meeting to explore this in more detail?

Here are some things to keep in mind when using the competitor analysis template:

  • Conduct thorough competitor research.
  • Highlight your unique differentiators.
  • Incorporate customer testimonials or case studies.

With the competitor email template, you can position yourself as the superior choice in a crowded marketplace.

By understanding your competitors’ limitations and highlighting your unique advantages, you’ll capture your recipients’ attention and create an opportunity for further discussions.

Equip yourself with the insights gained from the competitor analysis, emphasize your differentiators, and articulate why your offering is the ideal solution.

In the dog-eat-dog business world, it’s your unique value proposition that will propel you ahead of the pack.

4. The Useful Resource

Unlock the power of providing valuable resources with the effective useful resource email template.

This template focuses on offering your recipients valuable content, tools, or information that can benefit them in their professional endeavors.

When you position yourself as a reliable source of expertise and assistance, you establish credibility and foster a sense of trust.

Get ready to share valuable resources that will not only engage your recipients, but also position you as a helpful and knowledgeable partner.

Step 1: Introduce the purpose of the email

We believe in providing valuable resources to professionals like you to support your success in [specific industry/field].

Step 2: Identify a common challenge or pain point

​”We understand that [specific challenge/pain point] is a common concern for professionals in [industry/field].

Step 3: Present the resource you’re offering

​”We have curated a valuable resource that we believe will be of great assistance to you in addressing [specific challenge/pain point].

Step 4: Explain the benefits and relevance of the resource

​”This resource provides insights, strategies, and practical tips to help you overcome [specific challenge/pain point] and achieve [desired outcome].

Step 5: Share how the resource has helped others

​”We’ve received positive feedback from professionals in similar roles or industries who have found this resource incredibly valuable in tackling [specific challenge/pain point].

Step 6: Provide access to the resource

​”To access this valuable resource, simply click on the link below or visit [website/link].

Step 7: Call-to-action and next steps

​”If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to support your success.

If you want to maximize the impact of the useful resource email template, use these helpful hints:

  • Understand your recipients’ challenges and pain points.
  • Curate high-quality and relevant content.
  • Follow up and provide ongoing support.

Prepare to share your wealth of knowledge, offer valuable resources, and become a go-to partner in your recipients’ professional journey!

Providing resources that genuinely help others is a surefire way to build trust and establish long-lasting relationships.

5. The Press Mention

Unleash the power of social proof with the impactful press mention email template!

This template focuses on showcasing any positive press coverage or media mentions your company has received.

A benefit of highlighting your company’s recognition in reputable publications is that you build credibility and generate interest from your recipients.

Step 1: Introduction and context

​”We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you! Our company has recently been featured in [name of publication] for our [mention the specific accomplishment, achievement, or innovation].

Step 2: Emphasize the credibility of the publication

​”[Name of publication] is a highly respected and influential platform in our industry, known for its accurate and insightful coverage.

Step 3: Quote or highlight the press mention

​”In the article, [quote a snippet or highlight the key points mentioned about your company].

Step 4: Express gratitude and pride

​”We are incredibly honored to have our work recognized by such a reputable publication, and it is a testament to the dedication and expertise of our team.

Step 5: Connect the press mention to your recipient’s interests

​”We thought you would be particularly interested in this news, as it aligns with your work in [specific area, industry, or expertise].

Step 6: Call-to-action and next steps

​”If you would like to read the full article or have any questions about our company or the mentioned accomplishment, please feel free to reach out. We would be delighted to share more information with you.

Don’t blindly send emails without taking these tips into consideration:

  • Choose notable and relevant press coverage.
  • Showcase key achievements or innovations.
  • Share the press mention through multiple channels.

Press mentions are powerful tools for establishing your brand’s authority and generating interest in your offerings.

By utilizing the press mention email template, you can use the credibility and social proof provided by reputable publications.

6. The Website Visit

Let people know you appreciate their curiosity with the website visit template.

This template focuses on reaching out to individuals who have recently visited your website, expressing appreciation for their interest, and encouraging further engagement.

By acknowledging their visit and providing additional value, you create an opportunity to deepen the relationship and move them closer to becoming a customer or client.

Step 1: Express gratitude for their visit

​”Thank you for visiting our website. We appreciate your interest in [company name] and the time you spent exploring our offerings.

Step 2: Recap the key benefits or unique selling points of your website

​”Our website is designed to provide [specific benefits or unique selling points], and we hope you found the information valuable and insightful.

Step 3: Offer additional resources or content

​”To further support your journey and help you explore our offerings in-depth, we have curated some additional resources that you might find helpful.

Step 4: Highlight specific resources or content

​”Here are a few resources you may find valuable:[Resource 1]: [Brief description or key benefits][Resource 2]: [Brief description or key benefits][Resource 3]: [Brief description or key benefits]

Step 5: Call-to-action and next steps

​”If you have any questions, would like further information, or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We would be delighted to help you in any way we can.

Here are some tips to use this template in a more effective way:

  • Segment and personalize your email.
  • Offer tailored resources or content.
  • Follow up and track engagement.

You can transform website visitors into engaged leads when you take the time to provide more resources.

Seize the opportunity to nurture leads, provide valuable resources, and establish yourself as a trusted partner in your recipients’ journey.

Every website visit is a potential opportunity for meaningful engagement and growth!

7. The Voicemail Follow-Up

Reignite the conversation with the effective voicemail follow-up email template.

This template focuses on reaching out to individuals after leaving a voicemail, reminding them of your previous attempt to connect, and expressing your continued interest.

When you provide a brief summary of your voicemail and offer alternative ways to connect, you increase the chances of re-engaging your recipient and fostering meaningful communication.

Step 1: Subject line: “Following up on my recent voicemail”

Use a subject line that clearly indicates the purpose of your email and reminds the recipient of your previous voicemail attempt.

Step 2: Greeting and reminder of your voicemail

​”Hello [Recipient’s Name],I hope this email finds you well. I recently left you a voicemail regarding [briefly mention the purpose or topic of your voicemail].

Step 3: Express continued interest

​”I wanted to follow up to express my continued interest in connecting with you and discussing [specific topic, opportunity, or collaboration].

Step 4: Offer alternative ways to connect

If email is not the most convenient method for you, I am also available for a call at [provide your phone number] or we can schedule a meeting at a time that works best for you.

Step 5: Call-to-action and next steps

​”If you’re available, I would appreciate the opportunity to connect and explore how we can move forward together. Please let me know your preferred method and time for communication.

Step 6: Closing and appreciation

​”Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Interested in the voicemail follow-up template? Remember these simple tips!

  • Reference your previous voicemail.
  • Keep the email concise and focused.
  • Provide alternative communication options.

This strategic approach maintains an open line of communication and enhances the likelihood of receiving a response.

Crafting a well-thought-out voicemail follow-up email can have a significant impact on sustaining momentum, nurturing relationships, and progressing towards your desired outcomes.

8. The AIDA Template

Capture attention, generate interest, create desire, and drive action with the persuasive AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) template.

This template follows a proven marketing framework that helps you craft compelling emails that grab your recipients’ attention, pique their interest, create a desire for your product or service, and motivate them to take action.

You can increase the effectiveness of your messaging and achieve your desired outcomes when you structure your email with this time-tested template.

Step 1: Attention

Capture attention with a compelling subject line that stands out in your recipient’s inbox.

​”Discover the Secret to [Desirable Outcome] in Just [Short Timeframe]!

Step 2: Interest

Once you have their attention, spark interest by addressing a pain point or offering a solution.

​”Are you struggling to [common challenge]? We have the solution you’ve been looking for.

Step 3: Desire

Build desire by highlighting the benefits and unique selling points of your product or service. Show your recipients how it can improve their lives or address their specific needs.

​”With our innovative [product/service], you can [benefit 1], [benefit 2], and [benefit 3]. Imagine the possibilities!

Step 4: Action

Finally, include a clear call-to-action that prompts your recipients to take the desired action. Make it easy for them to respond or engage with your offer.

​”Ready to take your [specific area] to the next level? Click here to schedule a demo, or simply reply to this email to get started!

Remember these tips when you use the AIDA template:

  • Know your audience
  • Keep it concise and engaging
  • Personalize when possible

This framework helps you structure your messaging effectively and increase the likelihood of desired outcomes.

With the AIDA template, you will captivate your recipients, and lead them towards taking the desired action.

Emails that follow the AIDA framework can significantly improve your email marketing success.

9. The Compliment/Benefit/Time/Help Approach

Make a positive impression, showcase the benefits, respect your recipient’s time, and offer assistance with the effective Compliment/Benefit/Time/Help approach.

This template focuses on starting your email with a genuine compliment or acknowledgment, highlighting the specific benefits your recipient can gain, respecting their time by keeping the email concise and offering assistance or support.

Step 1: Compliment or acknowledgment

Begin your email by offering a sincere compliment or acknowledgment related to the recipient’s work, achievements, or expertise.

​”I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge your impressive contributions to the industry. Your expertise in [specific area] is truly remarkable.

Step 2: Highlight specific benefits

Follow the compliment with a clear and concise statement about the benefits your recipient can gain by engaging with your product or service.

Focus on how it can solve their pain points or enhance their work.

​”Our [product/service] offers a range of benefits, including [benefit 1], [benefit 2], and [benefit 3].

Step 3: Respect their time

Demonstrate respect for their time by keeping the email concise and to the point. Avoid lengthy explanations or unnecessary details.

​”I understand that your time is valuable, so I’ll keep this email brief and get straight to the point.

Step 4: Offer assistance or support

Conclude the email by extending a helping hand or offering assistance. Let them know that you are available to address any questions or provide further information.

​”If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how our [product/service] can benefit your specific needs, feel free to reach out. I’m here to help.

Check out these tips to ensure you’ve got the most effective email possible:

  • Personalize your compliment
  • Be specific with the benefits
  • Keep it concise and actionable

Following the Compliment/Benefit/Time/Help approach will help you create emails that are engaging, respectful, and value-driven.

This approach helps you establish a positive tone, highlight the benefits, and show your willingness to assist.

An email that follows this approach can leave a lasting impression and foster meaningful connections.

10. The “Straight to the Point” Template

In some cases, going with the direct approach might be the best strategy.

Instead of trying to choose nuanced language and fluffy words, you can just write who you are, what you want, and what you offer – all in just a few sentences.

Using the “straight to the point” email template is especially useful when you are reaching out to high-level marketers, executives or simply busy people who don’t have time to read email essays.

Here’s how your direct cold email template can look like:

Step 1: Address the person directly

​Hi [First name],

Step 2: Acknowledge the issue/problem

We’ve noticed that your websites were recently struggling with long periods of downtime – possibly leading to large financial losses for your brand.

Step 3: Say what you offer

​Our company provides robust server-side solutions for large websites that try to reach 99.999% uptime, along with 24/7 monitoring services and support: You can see our credentials and customer reviews directly on our website [link].

Step 4: Wrap it up

​Let me know what you think! If you are interested, we can schedule a call some time this week. Regards, [Your First name]

As you can see: Nothing fancy, straight to the point, valuable, and (hopefully) relevant enough to the recipient.

11. The Link-Building Outreach

If you are a website owner or SEO specialist who needs to improve the off-page SEO of your site, having go-to templates for link-building outreach is a must.

Depending on the recipient, you may want to style your link outreach template differently.

However, when it comes to a completely new outreach, you have to state:

  • Who you are
  • What your website is about (+ its authority backlink-wise)
  • Show an example of your website content
  • Show the URLs of the recipient’s website for potential link insertion
  • Offer a valuable backlink from your site (if you are trying to do a link exchange)
  • Explain why it might be beneficial for both websites to exchange backlinks.

This may sound like a lot of work, but in reality, all you need to do is use a template similar to the one below and fill in the essential values to make it more personalized.

Step 1: Simple greeting

Hi there!

Step 2: Introduce yourself

​My name is [your first name], and I am [your role] responsible for the content/SEO on our [your domain] website.

Step 3: State your business

I love the content on your [recipient’s website] and thought that we could link to your pages to help our users find more valuable content there. Here are some of our blog posts that might be relevant to your niche in terms of backlinks:[Example URL [DA/PA] + anchor text][Example URL [DA/PA] + anchor text][Example URL [DA/PA] + anchor text]

Step 4: Show that you genuinely care (and ask for a backlink)

​I also noticed that some of your blog posts discuss topics that we have covered in more depth on our pages. If you are interested, you can link back to the relevant parts of our site, which might provide value to your readers.

Step 5: Wrap it up

Do you think we would be a good fit for your website’s content? I’d love to read your thoughts! Regards, [Your First name]

When it comes to link-building outreach, always remember that honesty is the best policy.

There is no reason to hide your intentions – however, you have to realize that if your backlink strategy does not provide any genuine SEO value to the external website (or is simply not relevant to the recipient), this template won’t be some miraculous solution for you.

And there you have it!

Our top 11 email templates are sure to lead to more success in your cold email marketing campaigns.

Additionally, these templates can be used as a starting point to building a cold email sequence.

Get out there and send some amazing personalized emails!

Don’t Forget to Warm Up Your Inboxes

Having nice email templates for your cold outreach is one thing, but if your email addresses are not properly warmed up, the overall impact of templates will be much lower.

The Mangools case study is a nice example of how cold email templates and email warmup process can positively impact the overall email deliverability together.

Mangools faced a big issue in their 2022 Black Friday campaign – even with perfectly crafted email templates, they still could not reach the full potential of their deliverability rate – their IP simply was not properly warmed up.

That’s where Warmup Inbox came in clutch!

With only 2 weeks of the warming process, Mangools boosted their open rates from a low 1% to an impressive 32%, with CTR from a mere 0.16% to a spectacular 7.55%!

Mangools case study - data

With Warmup Inbox, you gain access to a comprehensive set of features designed to enhance your email deliverability and ensure your emails reach your intended audience:

  • Email warming: Warmup Inbox employs effective warming techniques to establish a positive sender reputation, increasing the chances of your emails landing in the inbox instead of the spam folder.
  • Domain and IP warmup: Warmup Inbox helps you properly warm up your domain and IP addresses, gradually increasing sending volumes and building trust with email service providers.
  • Reputation monitoring: Stay informed about your sender reputation with Warmup Inbox’s reputation monitoring feature, allowing you to identify and address any issues that may affect your email deliverability.
  • Inbox placement testing: Test the placement of your emails in various email clients and spam filters to ensure optimal deliverability and make necessary adjustments if needed.
  • Email analytics: Gain valuable insights into the performance of your email campaigns with WarmupInbox’s detailed analytics, including open rates, click-through rates, and more.
  • Automated warmup schedules: Set up automated warmup schedules to maintain consistent sending volumes and ensure a steady increase in your sender reputation over time.

With some help from Warmup Inbox, you can confidently enhance your email deliverability, increase the visibility of your emails, and maximize the effectiveness of your email marketing efforts.

For more tips on the broader ranger of cold email templates, check out our 15 Best Cold Email Templates!

Want to start getting your emails into the right hands? Sign up for free today!

Laura Clayton

Laura is an email marketing expert specializing in email warmup strategies to enhance deliverability. She shares concise, actionable insights to help businesses improve their email outreach and connect effectively with their audience.