How i-batu Escaped The Spam Folder

,,Overall, Warmup Inbox was easy for i-batu to use, required no technical skills or extra work, and gave major results at a low price. I-batu remains a happy Warmup Inbox customer, and the days of low open rates are long gone.”

Our customer: i-batu

I-batu  is a B2B company based out of Spain that helps companies in the metallurgic industry create effective sales campaigns, and uses SaaS to improve their customers’ business strategies.

❌Problem: Low Conversion Rates

Despite sending cold emails, they were struggling to reach their target clients, and experienced low conversion rates due to high bounce and low response rates.

But i-batu wasn’t alone in their struggle – many of their client companies were landing in spam folders and having their emails go unopened. To overcome this issue and help their customers rise above their competitors, i-batu had to find a solution.

✅Solution: How i-batu Escaped The Spam Folder

To tackle these challenges and land safely in their customer’s inboxes, i-batu enlisted the services of  Warmup Inbox .

Warmup Inbox focuses on warming up emails and monitoring domain and IP reputations. With Warmup Inbox, i-batu was able to quickly connect its emails, without using hours of labor or needing any technical skills.

Warmup Inbox also provided essential tools for setting up authentication parameters in the host DNS zone, ensuring that i-batu’s emails were delivered to the inbox and not marked as spam.

By gradually building a relationship with its target clients through personalized, valuable content, i-batu was able to establish trust with their customers, and generate high-quality leads.


Implementing Warmup Inbox into their marketing strategy was highly effective for i-batu, resulting in a 15% response rate and 60% open rate.

With the help of Warmup Inbox, I-batu was able to generate high-quality leads and close more deals with metallurgical companies through effective and personalized email communication.

After using Warmup Inbox, i-batu realized that it’s one thing to send a mass email to all of their prospects, but it’s another to create and implement an actual targeted email marketing campaign. Once they focused more on their email strategy and warmed up their IPs, the results spoke for themselves.

Customer Feedback

,,Overall, Warmup Inbox was easy for i-batu to use, required no technical skills or extra work, and gave major results at a low price. I-batu remains a happy Warmup Inbox customer, and the days of low open rates are long gone.” ( i-batu )


The IP and domain warming technique provided by Warmup Inbox was critical to the success of i-batu’s cold email campaigns. The product’s ease of use and essential tools for email authentication allowed

i-batu to improve their email open rate to an impressive 60%, and achieve a high return on investments.

Do you have some upcoming email campaigns that need a warmup? Don’t make the same mistake!

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